To reach out to NZ demonstrators, please email for more information.
NZBA Demonstrator Adrian Bird
AREA: North Island
CLUB: Hakaru-en
About Adrian
As a designer, artist, & musician, Adrian has always been surrounded by art & nature. From an early age growing up within the family's varied horticultural businesses, Adrian developed a deep understanding of nature and its aesthetic beauty.
After graduating from Art School and working as a graphic designer for 10 years (whilst pursuing bonsai alongside), Adrian now works as a bonsai professional in New Zealand.
After travelling the world in pursuit of the best bonsai gardens, Adrian is currently building his own garden, named 'Hakaru-en'. Using elements and inspiration from his favourite international gardens, Hakaru-en will showcase a distinctly New Zealand flora within the display of both traditional Japanese bonsai trees, and New Zealand native bonsai.
Alongside constructing and maintaining his own bonsai garden, Adrian maintains a growing number of bonsai collections throughout New Zealand.
Through teaching and demonstrating (both privately/for Bonsai Clubs) around the country, Adrian can help further the art of bonsai in New Zealand, taking it through to the next generation.
Adrian's personal tree design tends towards the more sculptural, abstract forms to show age and beauty through adversity.
NZBA Samuel Brierley
AREA: Eastern Bay of Plenty
CLUB: Eastern Bay of Plenty
PHONE: 07 307 8483
One to One Lessons
Duration varies • Starting from $50 per hour
All levels of bonsai and bonsai material is catered for. From basic trimming or wiring to carving. We can work together in the form of a lesson so that you can learn to design and style your bonsai.
Styling and Carving Commissions
Duration varies • Starting from $50 per hour.
From raw material styling to refining and restyling older bonsai. Starting from a base of $50 per hour with possible extras for carving bits, wire and other consumables. I offer guaranteed quotes.
Demonstrations and Group Workshops
Duration varies • $280 for 4hrs, $500 for 8hrs
Group demonstrations where I can cover a variety of subjects or do specific work on raw material and bonsai. Group workshops where I work my way around the room working on participants own trees.
Yamadori Collecting Adventures
Duration varies • Starting from $240
Come with me to hunt your own yamadori, prep older trees for lifting, bringing trees home and the care that is needed once they are home. Quick 2 hr digs or over night alpine camping trips available.
I have no preferences when it comes to topics, any tree species conifer to deciduous. Bonsai basics through to advanced refinement. In groups I prefer to keep it as informal as possible. I enjoy a round-the-room workshop where participants bring their own trees they would like help with in any way. With me going around the room spending time with each person and tree getting them to work their own tree then and there. I find this is better for people to get the real answers they were hunting for and also they learn things from the other work being done in the room.
I have no style preference. I do try to teach my students not to approach a tree with a predetermined idea of what style they want out of the tree. Rather to listen to the tree and style accordingly and let the describing style words come in later…
Throughout the course of my life I have always been expressing myself with art in some shape or form; also with all sorts of different mediums from pencil sketching to wood sculpture.
I started my bonsai journey in 2005 with a standard Bonsai New Zealand juniper procumbens purchased from my local Mitre10.
Since 2005 I have studied under the guidance of Colin Churchill. Colin has also shown me the ‘doors’ through which I have been able to take my studies further; and over the last decade he has become a great mentor and friend.
I have attended workshops with Tony Bebb, Robert Steven, Nobuyuki Kajiwara and Peter Adams. I started to study under Harry Harrington at Bonsai4me in 2010, with paid tuition and casual guidance, my studies with Harry are ongoing and he has become a very good friend.
I have taught Bonsai Basics block courses in conjunction with a local garden centre with a class of eight students spanning over a 6 week period; as well as undertaking one-on-one private tuition with students face to face and via email correspondence.
My recent bonsai journey involves spending a lot of time yamadori hunting out in the wild. This includes spending time trekking thru New Zealand’s beautiful rugged forests and ranges, alongside rivers and through valleys where I can soak up the wild fauna and flora. This is an avenue of my bonsai journey I have come to cherish greatly!
Apart from bonsai, I enjoy walking and tramping, short and long distance, from forests to alpine with my wife Natalie and our sons Dominic and Aidan. Being outside amongst nature with loved ones takes my bonsai learning further as I absorb my surroundings.
2014 NZBA Cambridge National Exhibition
Emerging Talent Competition winner
Bonsai Photography Competition winner
2 x Bonsai Merit Awards
2015 NZBA Christchurch National Exhibition
3 x Bonsai Merit Awards
2016 NZBA Auckland National Exhibition
Best Tree & Pot Combination
NZBA Demonstrator Tony Bywater
AREA: Canterbury
CLUB: Christchurch Bonsai Society
PHONE: 021 437 7509
FEES: In general I am happy to cover costs only for club activities. Open to discussion on returns and costs for other types of activities.
While the traditional styling demonstration has its place, I generally use a combination of presentation and demonstration on specific topics. I’m happy to conduct tree critiques and workshops. I have a lot of experience with beginners’ classes but also work with more developed material and helping others with design and re-design of established trees, and with collection development.
I tend to favour deciduous trees but work with a wide range of species and styles. I like group plantings, rock plantings and landscapes, especially with a Chinese influence. I’m keen to develop my skills and knowledge further with NZ natives.
I have 40 years’ experience in University teaching in agricultural science and management and in adult/professional education. Started Bonsai in the mid 1970s and joined the Christchurch Bonsai Soc. shortly thereafter. Have served as President and Vice President, chair of organising committees for the 2009, 2015 national conventions and 2018 50th anniversary mini-convention and have taught one or two beginner’s classes every year since the early 1990s. A member of the NZBA committee since the 2015 convention.
To a large extent, self-taught in Bonsai but have learned a lot from workshops/ training sessions with Ben Oki, Tony Bebb, Craig Cousins, John Hanby, Nobuyuki Kajiwara, Salvatore Liporace, Lee Wilson, Robert Stevens, Peter Warren and Will Baddeley.
NZBA Demonstrator Brendon Covich
Kinben Bonsai Adventures
AREA: Auckland
CLUBS: Auckland Bonsai Society & Hamilton Bonsai Club
FACEBOOK PAGE: @kinbenbonsai
PHONE: 027 459 8843
FEES: Workshops at Kinben Bonsai Adventures, Auckland
—Minimum 6 people per workshop
—$80/ person full day (9am – 3pm)
—$50 / person half day (9am – 12pm)
—Travel fees for out of town workshops, to be confirmed upon application, pending location.
I love to take workshops, and work on people’s bonsai with them.
I enjoy teaching all aspects of bonsai cultivation, styling, health and maintenance.
I love all aspects of bonsai, but my favourite styles are pines, conifers, deciduous, evergreen species and shohin, root over rock, cascade, and informal upright.
I also love to collect yamadori from the wild and I have field grown bonsai for 26 years.
I was born in New Zealand and have lived here all my life. I currently live in Auckland with my partner Tania, and our youngest 3 children. I am site manager of a concrete / foundation company and have practised the art of bonsai for 26 years now.
My collection consists of approximately 90 established bonsai, ranging from mame—bonsai. These are mainly trees I have grown from seed, cuttings, air layers, or via field growing and collecting, but a few of the older bonsai in my collection I have acquired.
We live on 5 acres, and have constructed a Japanese garden which includes display stands, for some of my larger specimen trees. I have recently added a Zen garden.
I also have a love for fishing and motorbikes.
You can read about my latest bonsai updates on my Facebook page: Kinben Bonsai Adventures.
My passion for Bonsai continues to grow, and is forever taking me to exciting new places, and new people.
I’m excited for what the future holds!
NZBA Demonstrators Adriaan and Poppie Engelbrecht
AREA: Bay of Plenty
FEES: Negotiable
We’re comfortable working with most styles in workshops and demonstrations, except for pines and needle-bearing trees. We often work on bigger trees and are comfortable in doing carving as well.
Poppie loves groups and shohin. Adriaan is very fond of growing Ficus on rocks and grafting them. We are reasonably knowledgeable on deciduous species (elms, maples, hornbeams, swamp cypress etc) and evergreens (ficus, olives, white olives, privet, myrtus ).
We started bonsai in 1983 in Pretoria, South Africa after attending a bonsai show by the Pretoria Bonsai Kai. We joined the club and had the privilege to learn from experienced bonsai growers like Charles Ceronio and Theuns Roos. We also enjoyed the opportunity to attend workshops by John Naka, Ben Oki, Melba Tucker and Vaughn Banting.
We relocated to Port Elizabeth in 1994 and joined the local bonsai club. In 1997 we demonstrated for the first time at the South African National Bonsai convention in Cape Town.
In 1999 we visited New Zealand and met with MAF to obtain permits to import our bonsai in January 2000 when we immigrated to New Zealand. We brought a small selection of our bonsai collection through a two year quarantine period. It was all worthwhile as we started propagating material to make available to NZ growers and started Fern Valley Bonsai Nursery in 2002 in the Bay of Plenty.
We have attended most on the NZ conventions over the years as well as some of the Australian conventions.
NZBA Demonstrator Wendy Gibbs
AREA: Christchurch, Canterbury
CLUB: Christchurch Bonsai Society
PHONE: Home (after hours) 03 981 8594 or Mobile 021 024 65903
FEES: Negotiable
In my demonstrations & workshops I emphasize the essential connection between knowledge of basic botany & sound horticultural practice, & the development of beautiful bonsai. My favourite species for use in Bonsai are Maples, Junipers, Corokia, Larch & Satsuki Azaleas. I am happy to do any type of workshop/ demo, but prefer to go beyond the initial transformation of raw plant material into a bonsai style, into methods for correct pruning for ramification, & refinement or re-balancing of established bonsai to improve their aesthetic quality.
My specialist interests include satsuki azaleas (and other azaleas) as bonsai, root-over-rock and allied styles, development of ramification & back-budding (especially in junipers), shohin bonsai, and matching bonsai with appropriate containers.
Involved in Bonsai since the early 1980’s, initially studying with Bob Langholm, & members of the Auckland Bonsai Club. Moved to Nelson in the mid-late 1980’s, was a founding member of the Nelson Bonsai Club, taught & demonstrated around the Nelson area for the following years. Did workshops with international Bonsai demonstrators such as Ben Oki & Dorothy Koreshoff. Moved to Christchurch in 2002, with study trips to the UK & Europe in the next few years; (involving visits to, workshops with & demonstrations by various Bonsai artists including John Hanby, Nobuyuki Kajiwara, Takeo Kawabe, Hiruharu Kobayashi & others). Listed as a National Demonstrator with the NZBA in 2005. President of both the Avon Bonsai Society (2004 – 2005) and Christchurch Bonsai Society (2007 – 2019), and have done many demonstrations and workshops for both clubs. Also have done demonstrations, talks & workshops for Dunedin & South Canterbury Bonsai Socs, and a range of garden clubs & other groups, and taught private bonsai classes. Attended most NZBA Bonsai Conventions, and been on the organising committee of several conventions.
NZBA Demonstrator Sean Heseltine
AREA: Otago
CLUB: Otago Bonsai Society
FEES: Negotiable
For teaching, I am happy to demonstrate on any material, and can teach styling work on new stock, or maintenance work on existing bonsai. I particularly enjoy working with rock plantings. I don't carry any bonsai materials so prefer that wire etc is supplied for any work I do.
I work mainly with Pine, Larch and Spruce, but have also developed a nice collection of Elm trees, and have had a recent foray into Satsuki.
I have been studying Bonsai for over 20 years and now have a collection which includes a number National Convention prize winners. I am Immediate Past President of the Otago Bonsai Society.
I have learned from a variety of sources, mostly written or online. I have also worked alongside Joy Morton for over 20 years. I have taken lessons from Tony Bebb and Lee Wilson.
My preference is Windswept style, although I actually have very few of these. I work mainly with Pine, Larch and Spruce, but have also developed a nice collection of Elm trees, and have had a recent foray into Satsuki. I don't have any native trees in my collection but am comfortable working on them. I tend to only collect old wild-grown exotic material and my trees are on the larger side for Bonsai, up to 30-40kg when in pots. I don't do much with Shohin sized trees.
For teaching, I am happy to demonstrate on any material, and can teach styling work on new stock, or maintenance work on existing bonsai. I particularly enjoy working with rock plantings. I don't carry any bonsai materials so prefer that wire etc is supplied for any work I do.
I don't mind travelling to teach, and am happy to work one on one with people in their own collections.
I prefer to negotiate my fees with individual clubs etc. Often I am travelling so I find I can work a visit into my fieldwork if need be. I prefer to work in school holidays if possible and enjoy working April or September as this gives me the chance to attach a collecting trip to a visit.
NZBA Demonstrator Matt Hudson
AREA: Auckland / Waikato
CLUBS: Primarily Auckland Bonsai (committee member), but also Hamilton Bonsai Club
PHONE: 0204 020 9405
FACEBOOK: Whanake Bonsai
FEES: Please contact me directly to discuss fees.
I like getting hands on during any demonstrations or presentations I do, as my strengths definitely lie in my technique and ability to teach through action. That being said, I’m also a trained horticulturist with a keen passion in discussing the finer details of the horticultural and scientific approach to bonsai. It’s not uncommon for me to drift off into a discussion of soil biology while wiring a tree.
My two big passions in bonsai are working with deciduous / broadleaf trees, as well as unlocking the potential of our many fantastic native species. I believe in constantly working to develop, adapt and improve our aesthetic and technical approach to this ancient craft.
My career in the arts began after leaving high school to study Jazz performance at university. I spent a few years working as a touring / session musician for various classical and contemporary groups before deciding the musician life wasn’t for me and moving to Melbourne. It was there where I was bitten by the bonsai bug after seeing some of Walter Pall’s trees online, and decided to throw everything I had into pursuing a life with tiny trees.
I completed my horticultural qualifications in Melbourne and began working with a Japanese master gardener while further studying bonsai at any opportunity offered to me, whether it be international visitors or local practitioners. I eventually started my own tree care business in Melbourne while also growing and selling bonsai, doing the odd demo or presentation and giving private lessons.
In 2020 I decided to move back to NZ to set up my own professional bonsai practice ‘Whanake Bonsai’ in the Franklin area of the North Island. I am currently working to build my physical nursery and store, but in the interim I sell through my webstore while offering private tuition, maintenance work and club demonstrations.
NZBA Demonstrator Jack Lin
Maple by Jack Lin
AREA: Auckland
CLUBS: Auckland Bonsai Society
PHONE: 021 153 8324
FEES: Travel expenses and accommodation costs if overnight stay is required.
I enjoy small group workshops.
Grouping by Jack Lin
Pines, junipers, maples and shohin
To be honest, I have never been a gardener or showed specific interest towards trees until I came across bonsai. I met a friend in Auckland whose family ran a professional bonsai business in Taiwan. The first time I entered their bonsai garden in Auckland, I was so fascinated by these miniature trees, I was instantly hooked.
In the past 15 years, I have learned as much as I can from books and internet sources; the most valuable learning of all was from professional bonsai artists including Mr Bob Langham, Mr Nobu Kajiwara and Mr Tony Bebb. Learning through one on one or group workshops are very rewarding. Viewing wide variety of trees from other bonsai artists and attending conventions greatly helps expand your ideas and imagination. The highlight would have been the 2017 World bonsai convention in Saitama Japan, as the whole experience was mind blowing.
Personally I have tried to experiment with as many varieties of species of trees as possible. My favorite species would be pines and maples. In my opinion, pines are a class of their own, in terms of the wonderful scenery and the different feel one could create with the species. I enjoyed collecting them from the wild and then try to cultivate them in the garden to speed up the development of the trunk and branches by planting it back in the garden.
The maple would be my favorite deciduous species. The tree is beautiful due to its color in its leaves and delicate silhouettes of branches in winter.
I enjoyed creating small shohin sized bonsai as well the large sized powerful trees. Bonsai are also created to be shown, and I enjoy the intricacy of creating displays of bonsai in meetings and shows for people to enjoy.
Over time I’ve come to understand that the biological knowledge of a tree is the foundation for how one keeps the trees healthy and thriving. It is the base which drives the development of each tree. The biological science and the horticulture definitely are another facet of bonsai which greatly fascinates me.
I enjoy the opportunities bonsai provides to meet different people who share the love for the tree and I’m always very happy to share and exchange my knowledge and experience with other bonsai friends.
NZBA Demonstrator Sandra Quintal
AREA: Waikato
CLUB: Hamilton
PHONE: 07 850 8188
FEES: I am completely negotiable about Fees so this is a guide only.
Demo: $150.00 = 1 ½ hrs or more when I supply everything.
– ½ day Workshop: $200.00 = 3 ½ hrs – or $25.00 per person. I suggest a maximum of 8 participants. More participants are fine but it reduces the amount of time I have to spend with each participant and their Bonsai. Observers at workshops are welcome (as long as they are quiet)
One on one private sessions: ½ day – 3 ½ hrs : $70.00. Full day $140.00.
I am happy to do public events or Bonsai Club demonstrations/workshops as needed.
I enjoy all styles of Bonsai, including single tree styles, groups, Saike (landscapes), and Shohin size Bonsai.
I have an interest in Shohin (Miniature) size Bonsai and I have a collection of Shohin Bonsai down to Mame (Thimble) Size, as well as larger sized Bonsai, Groups, and Landscapes. I work with both native and non-native species of tree. I particularly enjoy working with Totara and Pines.
I have been growing Bonsai since 1987, have been a member of the Hamilton Bonsai Club since 1988 and supported the Hamilton Bonsai club on the committee for many years. I have been a supporter of the New Zealand Bonsai Association since its beginning and I was elected to the NZBA committee in October 2018.
I studied with Dorothy Koreshoff and hold the Intermediate Certificate, Advanced 1 and 2 Certificate, and The Bonsai Principals Certificates from the Bonsai Art Academy, Sydney.
I have taught Beginner Classes for the Art of Bonsai in Hamilton for many years and currently co-ordinate the classes run by the Hamilton Bonsai Club.
Over the years I have demonstrated in both New Zealand and Australia to Bonsai Artists at Club level, NZ Conventions, and to the general public at many shows and events.
NZBA Demonstrator Les Simpson
AREA: Waikato
CLUB: Hamilton Bonsai Club
PHONE: Home (after hours) 07 823 2162
FEES: Negotiable
I have no preferences for teaching and demonstrating. I am comfortable in all formats including demonstrating, talking, workshop leading, critique or one on one teaching.
I have had exposure to dealing with most species of trees available in NZ including:
Deciduous: Beech, Maple, Trident Maple, Celtis, Crab Apple, Asia Pear, Oak, Chinese elm, Hawthorn, Liquidambar, Zelkova, Wisteria, Hornbeam, Ligustrum.
Evergreens: Azaleas, Redwoods, Pyracatha, Box, Indian Hawthorn, Olive, Lonicera
Pines: All Pines
Cedars: Atlas, Himalayan
Conifers: X Media Blauuw, All Junipers,
Natives: Totara, Kahikatea, Corokia, Kowhai, Miro, Pohutakawa. Pittosporum, Beech, Kawaka.
My interest in Bonsai commenced in Tauranga about 1990. My wife Melody and mother in law Kath had already joined the BOP Bonsai Society and stimulated this interest. Shirley Faull was the President of the BOP Bonsai Society at that time. I have always had a big interest in growing things and art was another area where I showed great promise as a youngster but never had the opportunity to pursue in depth. I have been a keen tramper for many years and this has inspired me to be a keen observer of trees growing in their natural habitat.
Melody and I moved to the Waikato in the late 1990’s. I was President of the Hamilton Bonsai Club from 2001 to 2007 and 2015 to 2018. Also the treasurer from 2007 to 2015. I was elected to the NZBA committee about 2002 and was the Treasurer of NZBA from 2015 to 2018. I was elected President of NZBA from October 2017.
I have taken the opportunity to attend Bonsai Courses with Dorothy Koreshoff, Lindsay and Glenis Bebb in Brisbane Australia, Joy Morton in Dunedin (3 week long courses) and numerous workshops arising from international Bonsai Artists visiting NZ including John Marsh, Craig Coussins, Lee Wilson, Gary Marchal, Robert Steven, Peter Adams, Kathy Steyn, Will Baddeley and Nobuyuki Kajiwara. I have also done numerous workshops and private sessions with Tony Bebb Workshops for about 10 years. I have also attended a number of conventions overseas in Taiwan, Hongkong, Indonesia and numerous AABC conventions in Australia. I have demonstrated at two national conventions and done a number of demonstrations for clubs as well as Hamilton’s annual show at Hamilton Gardens.
NZBA Demonstrator Dr Dawid de Villiers
AREA: Bay of Plenty
CLUB: Bay of Plenty
PHONE: 027 568 0391 or 0277 747 143
FEES: Travel and accommodation
I work on a wide variety of trees and like working on yamadori as well as nursery material.
I have a soft spot for pines, junipers and maples across a wide variety of styles.
I am an educator of profession and find satisfaction in demonstrating and facilitating workshops. Due to my academic background, I am widely read in the philosophy of bonsai, design and most things that involve creativity.
I have been involved with bonsai for just over 30 years. I learnt from my father and also a myriad of people attending workshops and conventions. My library is huge and growing by the day. This is one activity where you never stop learning.
NZBA Demonstrator Martin Walters
AREA: Auckland
CLUB: Kenzo Bonsai, Hamilton Club
PHONE: 021 629 192
FACEBOOK: Kenzo Bonsai and Martin Walters Bonsai
FEES: Please contact me to discuss.
I can work with any material with yamadori styling amongst my favourite. I’ve have given demonstrations all over NZ and can work on supplied material. I can critique trees in a helpful and productive manner and can use visual aids in my discussions.
I have a soft spot for black and radiata pine and my collections shows this with development mainly on these species. I collect trees yearly and develop to either keep in personal collection or sell to club members.
I started bonsai about 15/16yrs ago in London, UK, and upon my return to NZ gained personal tuition for a number of years. I’ve learnt and attended workshops with Tony bebb, Bjorne Bjornholm, Peter Warren, Will Baddeley, and have experienced conventions in Europe , Japan and Australia.