Sandra, NZBA Committee Member
Sandra started bonsai after seeing a show put on by Eon Scarrow in Hamilton in 1986, and after killing most of the material she first worked on, Sandra joined the Hamilton Bonsai Club after seeing another show put on by the club members in 1988.
Sanda has studied with Dorothy Koreshoff and holds the Intermediate Certificate, Advanced 1 and 2 Certificates, and The Bonsai Principles Certificates from the Bonsai Art Academy, Sydney. Sandra has taken every opportunity to work with local demonstrators and visiting international demonstrators at workshops throughout New Zealand including the NZBA’s Workshop for Demonstrators with Robert Steven in October 2010. Every year she also attends workshops in Hamilton with Nobuyuki Kajiwara from the UK.
Sandra specialises in public demonstrations, bonsai club and NZ Convention demonstrations, workshops, and group or one on one lessons. Listed in the NZBA’s National Demonstrators Register since its beginning, Sandra has demonstrated in both New Zealand and Australia to Bonsai Artists at Club level, at NZ Conventions, and to the general public at many shows and events. Sandra enjoys working on all tree types.
Having worked for many years as a draughtsperson, Sandra has an eye for detail and, while enjoying all forms of bonsai styles, she has a preference for single-trunked styles, saikei landscapes, and has particular interest in shohin and mame bonsai.